Monday, December 14, 2009

Part 3: Best Of

Ugh. I woke up on Sunday really sick. Spent the whole day in bed and I still feel horrible today. I just hope I feel better by this weekend. I will be so mad if I go to my brother's wedding feeling like this!

Anyway back to the list!

New food.

This is going to sound weird but I am going to say Chinese food. For years I stayed far away from it and just refused to ever eat it. Then one day I tried some and I was hooked!! I was surprised at how many items that I really liked! Now I looked forward to going out and trying some more.

What’s the best change you made to the place you live?

Well I’m hoping to be able to change my address in the next few months. But with where I currently live my mom did some major changes to the house. We got new siding, windows, ect. Since the windows in my room were replaced I was able to repaint my room a color of my own choosing! It’s been this horrible pastel purple for years and it just wasn’t me. Now the color, called coastal dunes, is just what I wanted it to be. I feel so much more comfortable in there now!

Rush. When did you get your best rush of the year?

That would have to be when I climbed a waterfall in Jamaica. I was sooo nervous before hand. My whole body was actually trembling. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to climb it, that I would hold everyone up, and that I would fall and die! Once I started to climb I realized I COULD do this and getting to the top, looking down at what I just did, I felt amazing!

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