Monday, May 5, 2008

It was a good weekend to get away

My weekend turned out to be very good. First I thought that me driving 3 hours to Maryland on Saturday and then 3 hours home the next day would really suck and put me in a bad mood. But it wasn't that bad, in fact the time flew for me. It was actually a nice drive, I enjoy drives like that cause it allows me to listen to my music on a radio instead of my ipod. Which is way better cause than I can sing along to the tunes. Also driving like that allows me to think about things and get everything into perspective. Plus, I didn't hit any traffic thankfully. When I got there, it felt like I never really left. It was like me and my friends just picked up from where we left off. It wasn't awkward. You know sometimes when you see someone who you haven't seen in a while and there is this awkward lull in conversation that can happen. Well it was just the opposite. We didn't stop talking. It was so much fun visiting them and catching up on lost time. It’s funny how much a person changes from the time they graduate from college to after they’ve been working in the “real world”. But even though we have all grown up and changed we still get along really well. And I guess that’s the true test to a person's friendships. Being able to still laugh and be completely comfortable even after growing and moving on with their lives.

We went out into Baltimore to this new place called Angel Rock Bar and it was Amazing. The club was on the second floor overlooking Baltimore and the inner harbor. It was half inside and half outside, and the décor was really nice. Also all they played was rock music, which was a nice change to the usual club fair music that I hear when I go out. I defiantly need to visit Maryland more often. I forgot how much I really love the area.

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