Wednesday, September 24, 2008


When I started this blog I never imagined anyone would read it much less give me an award for it! But here I am with my first ever Blog award!!! Thanks so much to CC from Fork in the Road for giving me this award. I also love your blog!! This really means a lot to me because my blog is very personal and I love how I am able to express myself. I also love that people actually read it and even comment on my life! Every time I get a comment I get really excited. It means so much to me! So thank you again CC and to everyone else who stops by! If you're still lurking feel free to leave a comment! If not I understand I’m still somewhat of a lurker too.

I would like to bestow this award to the people who I began reading when I first started blogging. They’re the ones that inspired me to blog and/or to keep up with it! If I could I would give this to everyone on my reader but there is a lot so I figured I would start with those that I started with in the very beginning. Check them out they are awesome!

Blogs I Love:

Karen from Smiling Through it All
E. from Like Spinning Plates
Alexandreena from A Toast to Shoes
Adventure Grrl at 100 days in Bed

Also while I am on the topic of blogging another first happened to me. I got an e-mail from a website asking for me to review it. It said that if I review their site I could either get one of their products or payment. I don’t know if this is for real or just spam. Does this happen ever to any of you? If so what do you about it?


Cam said...

you're welcome lady, you deserve it because well, i love your blog! obviously! :)

anyway, as for the review thing, no idea if it's spam or not. i guess maybe i'd check it out, and the minute it asked for personal information other than an email address i'd ditch it. but if not, you could just review something and get a product in return.

Karen said...

I agree with cc about the site. Give 'em no info!

Thanks for the props. I appreciate it! You rock.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty skeptical about online stuff so I'm not sure if I would trust it. How did they even find you in the first place?

Thanks for putting my name up there :) I enjoy your blog as well, even if I sometimes comment a day or two after the post is written...

Alexandreena said...

Awwww. Thank you :)